Jessica is teaching a weekend
long Prenatal Yoga intensive.

Southern California Intensive: August 15th-17th


New York Intensive: September 12th-14th

  • Do’s and don’ts while pregnant
  • Poses that help during labor and delivery
  • Labor and Delivery preparation meditation
  • Daily prenatal yoga practice
  • Lectures on prenatal nutrition, Home birth and more!

*Mentorship with Jessica opportunity after completion
*Workshop hours count toward teacher training certification

Sign up below:


Prenatal Yoga Modification Basics

Okay, so here’s the deal. Before you begin or continue any exercise during pregnancy, check with your doctor. I know you hear that at the beginning of every exercise program, but it really is important. Your body is going to undergo some serious change in these next nine months and you want to discover everything you can about things that might keep your yoga practice from going full steam ahead. So see your physician and tell him/her about this amazing yoga practice that you are about to embark on and honestly seek their advice.


Here are some of the things I learned in my last pregnancy and hope will be a blessing to you!


  • Practice as much as you are able! If nausea and tiredness show up on any give day, recognize them as signs that your baby needs lots of attention today, love yourself and be confident that your second trimester will be different!
  • If you pike or jump, skip it for now and just step forward and back
  • Stop twisting. I stopped as soon as I confirmed I was pregnant. Twisting is detoxifying and It can stop proper circulation to the fetus if you twist to extremes. Open twists are safe.
  • Skip shoulder stands. Keep your heart and lungs open instead.
  • No need for “breath of fire” or any breath work besides long deep ujaii breath. You and your baby need the oxygen and it brings an incredible sense of relaxation and well-being.

  • Stop abdominal work. Yay! Your core needs to expand now so enjoy laying off the crunches.
  • Once the baby’s head is down you want to keep it there, so skip inversions unless of course you are encouraging your baby to turn.
  • Gentle stretching feels so good right now because a hormone called relaxin has kicked in encouraging your body to open and make room for passage of the baby. But be careful not to overdue it, the last thing you want is to have something pulled for labor and delivery.

  • Skip the deep back bends. You could accidentally disconnect your placenta from the uterine wall. Remember, after your beautiful baby is born your whole yoga practice will embrace you with open arms…for now, love-love-love!
  • Remember that it is your responsibility to protect yourself through out your pregnancy. We want healthy mommies and healthy babies so if you have a competitive drive or a desire to be perfect now is the time to enjoy letting that go. What matters most is that you show up on your mat and breath.